Chairperson's Message

Tara Devi

We have initiated our journey in the education sector with this most awaited and required Ram Yash PG College in the lap of holistic Prayagraj. We want to achieve the autonomous status so that we can provide flexible courses to students.We found that without education people is like a dummy piece of human body. Our aim is to provide basic and necessary knowledge to students and help them to get their dream world.When our students would get their dream world we would think that our aim is achieved.We know changes come after awareness.So Our other aim is to spread awareness in people through education.

Secretary's Message

Best Doctor in one’s life is Education and its learning is most curable medicine for people.So it is most important that every people has best source of knowledge(College) and best teacher to demolish most dangerous virus(lack of knowledge) for human being. So we are providing best education to unroot this virus in our environment. So our key motto is to provide best education, environment, skills, sports, and career counselling to excel in fast moving world.We equipped our campus with latest technology to provide education through smartest way of modern world and facilities like wifi campus, sports. It will be our achievement if we educate people and they serve nation to make it great place again(Sone ki chidia) in world.

Vivek Mishra

Director's Message

Dr. Suresh Pandey

RY- PGC is situated 15 kms from Prayagraj city and on the bank of holy river Ganga.We are very glad to provide education in much awaited area of Nawabganj town to nourish, groome, and make a fruitful plant so that they would give shadow to nation by their knowledge, behaviour, and skills. We provide smart classes, sports facility, extra curricular activity, and wi-fi facility.We have structured classes, faculty, library, laboratory, sports and cultural activity very well, systematically and smartly. Making knowledgeable, skilled, well mannered, healthy, and well sound students is our main motto. Education is base of every human life, society, nation, world to make one’s life meaning.

Managing Director's Message

Our vision is to be on the leading edge of technology and education in providing quality instruction, new programs, focus on student retention, and fulfilling student satisfaction an integral part of our institute. Our goal is to produce highly skilled, employable graduates who receive more than what they expected from our college. We Plan, organize, and control campus operations and programs to deliver excellent career education to students resulting in their gainful employment. We treat all students with the respect they deserve and the feeling of being a welcomed part of our organization.

Managing Director
Abhishek Mishra
Admission Open 2025-26