प्रथम सेमेस्टर बैकपेपर (कैरीओवर) के छात्र/छात्राओं हेतु सुचना। परीक्षा संबंधित सुचना (07/12/2024) Notice: ललित कला-महोत्सव 2024 के अंतर्गत क्विज प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन। Notice: Back Paper Admit Card- 3rd Semester and 5th Semester Notice: B.Sc., B.Com. B.Sc.(Home Sc.), B.C.A.-1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Regular Admit Card-2024-25 ललित कला महोत्सव 2024 में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु सुचना। युवा रचनाकार प्रतियोगिता परीक्षार्थी हेतु आवश्यक निर्देश दशमोत्तर छात्रवृत्ति एवं शुल्कप्रतिपूर्ति आवेदन हेतु प्रोफार्मा ‘B’ - (25/11/2024) Notice for downloading Admit Card for Semester examination 2024-25 Notice for SAMARTH Students Portal Registration Course registration form for UG & PG Student detail Correction on samarth portal सूचना - उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार के स्वामी विवेकानंद युवा सशक्तिकरण योजना के अंतर्गत स्मार्ट फोन/टेबलेट के लिए पंजीकरण हेतुे दिए गए गूगल फॉर्म को पूरित करें । *फॉर्म भरने की अंतिम तिथि- 15/11/2024* Samarth Portal Step By Step Registration | DDUGU | 2024 सत्र 2023-24 बी०एस-सी० एवं बी०कॉम० तृतीय वर्ष के छात्र- छात्राओं हेतू सुचना सत्र 2024-25 स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर समस्त प्रथम सेमेस्टर के छात्र-छात्राओं हेतू सुचना 1st Semester List (Roll Number and Enrolment Number) नोटिस- 19/10/2024 Time Table for Internal exams 2024 Internal Examination (Chemistry) List of STUDENTS for e-verification Samarth Portal कोर्स रजिस्ट्रेशन सम्बंधित छात्रवृत्ति सूचना - दिनांक: 09/10/2024 Health Camp on 26th September, 2024 बी0एस-सी०, बी०कॉम०, बी०एससी० (गृहविज्ञान) एवं बी०सी०ए० प्रथम सेमेस्टर तथा एम०एससी० भौतिकी, रसायन, वनस्पति एवं प्राणि विज्ञान प्रथम सेमेस्टर 2024-25 का विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा पोर्टल पर रजिस्ट्रेशन की हेतू सूचना। Parent-Teacher Meeting for B.Sc., B.Com, B.CA. 1st Semester Students महत्वपूर्ण सूचना (20/09/2024) Rescheduled Time table 20/09/2024 Regarding Time table for Bsc 1st Sem. छात्रवृत्ति हेतु आवश्यक निर्देश (13-09-2024) विज्ञान प्रदर्शनी प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन। निबन्ध लेखन प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन। Important Notice (09-09-2024) Notice regarding "Career counseling and Placement drive". Notice- B.Sc.(BIO) B1-B2 Classes B.Sc.-1st Year (Bio) Admission List-2024-25 छात्रवृत्ति सूचना (02/09/2024) (B.Com.) Psy- Back Admit Card (B.Sc.) Psy- Back Admit Card B.Sc. (Home Sc.) Psy- Back Admit Card नोटिस- बैक पेपर PSY-100 एवं HSC-100 परीक्षा तिथि घोषित Notice regarding Back-paper examination (12/08/2024) Schlorship Notice (09-08-2024) Notice- Registration for the Session 2024-25 Sudhar Portal QR Code B.Com. Admission Notice for vacant seats Notice : SUDHAR Students Portal (Name Correction, Father's Name, Mother's Name, Date of Birth) महाविद्यालय के स्नातक पाठ्यक्रम के क्वालीफाईन/नान- क्वालीफाईन के माइनर को कैरिकुलर कोर्स के सम्बन्ध में। M.Sc. Botany Merit List Notice (05/08/2024) B.Sc.-5th Semester-2024-24 (non registered Students list) Notice Regarding B.Sc. Maths 1st year Counselling Orientatiion Programme for Under Graduate Course Important Notice (29-07-2024) बीएससी गणित विषय मे वेकेंट सीट पर प्रवेश हेतू सुचना BCom Admission Merit list 2024 The M.Sc. Zoology Entrance Test will be held on 30.07.2024 (Tuesday) at 1:00 pm. B.Sc. Bio 2024-25 Merit List Important Notice (24-07-2024) Notice Regarding Admission to B.Sc. Maths 1st year Re-schedule of M.Sc. Entrance Examination
About Us

Ramyash Group of Institutions

Ramyash Group of Institutions is an educational institute of reputation in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. It is formed to provide best quality education to students.

College Give opportunities to students to show their talent, – share ideas, creativity, thinking, knowledge.

To contribute to india to make it once again centre for source of knowledge, and intellectually in world. To be leading edge of knowledge, inspiration, motivation and technology in world.

Situated At :- National Highway from Prayagraj to Lucknow passes through Nawabganj, Prayagraj. The distance from Prayagraj city to Nawabganj is approximately 15 km.

City office :- 219 B Sangam Chaurha Near Shukla Market (Salori), Om Gayatri Nagar Prayagraj.

Ramyash Group of Institutions



At Ramyash Group of Institutions Life nurtures an inclusive campus life environment where students grow intellectually and engage in meaningful experiential opportunities.

Chairperson's Message

Smt. Tara Devi

We have initiated our journey in the education sector with the establishment of the much-awaited and necessary Ram Yash Group of Institutions, nestled in the heart of the vibrant city of Prayagraj. Our primary goal is to achieve autonomous status, empowering us to offer a wide range of flexible and innovative courses that cater to the diverse needs of students. We firmly believe that education is the foundation of a thriving society, and without it, individuals are like a body without a soul.

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